Dip information:
Take the Dip!

Dip in Laconia!
You’ve registered, you’ve fundraised, now it’s time to Dip!
All Dippers must sign a waiver before Dipping. Individuals under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian complete their waiver.
Saturday, March 8
- 8 AM Margate opens to Dippers
- 8-10 AM Check-in at the Margate
- 10:15 AM Costume Parade in Ballroom
- 11 AM Dip!
- 11:30 AM Lunch
- 12:15 PM Awards
- 12:30 PM Departure
The Margate opens for check-in at 8 AM. We recommend that Dippers arrive no later than 9AM. Dippers can park at the Margate. There is overflow parking across the street if needed.
After check-in, Dippers and their guests (all must have wristbands) relax before the Dip in the ballroom which is located in the tunnel between the Inn and the Lakehouse. There will be music and a selection of beverages from our friends at Coca-Cola Beverages Northeast and coffee and hot chocolate from our friends at McDonalds. Alcoholic beverages are available for purchase.
At 10:15 AM the Costume Parade will take place. Individuals and teams can participate in the parade. There will be a panel of judges - including Doug Foley (President of Eversource Operations MA) and Chief Brian Levesque (Merrimack Police Dept) - that will select the winners, which will be announced at the awards ceremony after the Dip.
The Dip
After the Costume Parade, Dippers will be called by wave to exit the ballroom heading left up the stairs into the bar / changing area. Every Dipper will be assigned to a wave at check-in. Waves limit the number of people taking the Dip at one time to about 30. Teams are always kept in the same wave.
The bar will be divided into 9 small changing rooms. In each changing room there will 12 stations with a folding chair and 5-gallon bucket. Only Dippers are allowed in the changing tent and Dip area.
When a Dipper enters the bar, you will be directed to a changing room which will be separated by gender. You'll change into the clothes you'll wear into the water. PRO TIP: wear something on your feet - ideally wool socks! You'll leave anything that isn't going in the water with you in the 5-gallon bucket. Please do not bring items with you that will not fit into a 5-gallon bucket. We recommend that Dippers do not leave valuables in the changing areas.
Once changed, Dippers will exit the changing tent back down the stairs, turn right and enter the beach via the Lakehouse. The wave of Dippers will line up at a starting line and when its time the wave will run down the beach and into the Lake. As you exit the water, you'll be handed a towel. You’ll exit the beach, cross the parking lot and return to the bar. When you return to the bar, you'll go back into your changing room. The 5-gallon bucket with your belongings will be waiting for you. After changing into dry clothes, you'll put your towel in a bin and head back to the Ballroom.
Tea Party in the Margate
A nice warm lunch provided by our friends at Associated Grocers of New England will be waiting for you.
- Cheddar broccoli soup
- Beef stew
- Chili
- Bread bowls
- Salad
Enjoy a McDonald's chocolate chip cookie for dessert.
After all waves have Dipped, there will be an award ceremony. Awards will be presented for:
- Individual Fundraiser (person that raises the most money)
- Team (the team that raises the most money)
- Fundraising Team (the team with the highest per Dipper average)
- Best Individual Costume
- Best Team Costume
Everyone attending the Tea Party must have a wristband.