Raised so far
Our goal
# of Plungers
42 |
Want to Volunteer at the Plunge? Register to Volunteer
Volunteer Coordinator: Pam Anctil Pamplus3@hotmail.com
- Laurie A Teetzel just donated $520.00
- Andrew Erlick just donated $53.00
- Scho just donated $106.00
- Cadorette’s just donated $106.00
- JCR just donated $212.00
- Kim Damon just donated $26.50
- Doodle just donated $53.00
- Tilburys just donated $20.00
- I.C. Reed & Sons, Inc. just donated $2500.00
- Linda just donated $106.00
- Nancy Simone just donated $21.20
- John Bosen just donated $53.00
- Amy Bertolino just donated $53.00
- Terry Bowman just donated $26.50
- Ryan Ruland just donated $106.00
- Ryan just registered for Eversource
- Kathy Scrabis just donated $42.40
- Tyler just registered for Eversource
- Tom Davis just donated $159.00
- Tom just registered for Eversource
Need inspiration? Check this video out, it's all you need.
Eversource's Top fundraisers
Need inspiration?
Meet Special Olympics New Hampshire athlete Bonnie Kyle. Bonnie’s story is just one of thousands of stories that remind us why we Plunge. Who do you Plunge for?