Law Enforcement Torch Run

Help support the 40th anniversary of the Law Enforcement Torch Run!

Fundraise Now

  • Kwik Stop LLC just donated $175
  • Anonymous just donated $20
  • Damian Canuto just donated $26.50
  • Karen Curren just donated $26.50
  • Gary Bruno just donated $53
  • Austin Garofalo just donated $40.28
  • Phil Lawson just donated $50
  • Karen Yeaton just donated $106
  • Benjamin Williams just donated $26.50
  • Grammy and Grandpa just donated $79.50
  • Colleen Moorhouse just donated $26.50
  • Anonymous just donated $53
  • Grammy and Grampy just donated $26.50
  • The Rassbachs just donated $26.50
  • Stretch just donated $20
  • Michelle just donated $53
  • Love Uncle Mike and Aunt Terry just donated $53
  • Kristen and David Godin just donated $50
  • David Berard just donated $53
  • Jeremy Hawkes just donated $53
