Freezer Burnt

Penguin Plunge

The water will be cold… but the tea party will be HOT!

We are so excited to be making an icy splash into the Atlantic at the Penguin Plunge for Special Olympics New Hampshire! This year’s theme is “Alice in Wonderland” and it’s going to be a grand adventure down the rabbit hole with all the characters on our team!

Please donate to our Plunge. It will make a profound difference in the lives of people with intellectual disabilities across the Granite State. Special Olympics athletes participate in life-changing programs that promote physical fitness, self-confidence, and social inclusion.

Every dollar you give goes toward creating a more inclusive, accepting, and empowered New Hampshire. Whether you’re an Alice, a Queen of Hearts, or a White Rabbit type, together, we can create a world where everyone has the chance to shine.

We Tweedle-dee, Tweedle-dum, Tweedle-DO thank YOU for your support!

Thank you to our Sponsors


Associated Grocers Round-up


Associated Grocers Round-up


A G N E Round Up


A G N E Round Up


Associated Grocers Round-up


Agne Round Up


Agne Round Up


Associated Grocers Round-up


Associated Grocers Round-up




Associated Grocers Round-up


Elizabeth Cornish


Associated Grocers Round-up


Bev Dole


Your Wifey :)

I will be waiting for your return from the icy cold water with a warm hug and a WOOHOO! YOU DID IT AGAIN MY CRAZY MAN! :)


Agne Round Up


Agne Round Up


Robbin Dunn


John & Juanita


Mcgonagle Family In Memory Of Your Friend Elaine

Elaine appreciated your friendship and helping your causes.


Michael Violette

Good luck Cindy!


Carol Lenzen



Edward Murphy


Richard Murphy

Make a big Splash Eddie


Desi Teixeira


Cindy Landau


Jen Page



You are crazy!



Good Luck lol brrrr


Mike Bugnacki



Joe Conley

Go get 'em Tinker!


Electronic Restoration Systems, Inc.


John Caldwell




The Jolicoeurs

You rock, my friend!



Stay cool


Sheryl And Kirk Hipps

Thanks for all you do!


Michael Tibbetts

“Happy New Year” Ed! From…😏 🥶George “I was in the pool…”😩 Costanza. 🤭😉


Kendra Legendre


John & Juanira


Michael Tibbetts


Laura Mcedward

We love you sissy!


Scott Shorey

Conquer that frigid water! Love you!


Tom Taylor

Love this, Stephanie! Sending warm vibes your way for the big splash.


Pat Clement

Ed you are an amazing man always given your time and love Love Joe and Pat


Vangie Giotas

Go Ed!!


Kevin Kistler


Steven Soule


Linda Petersen

Good luck CC ❤️ 🐧


Stephanie Baldwin


Darcia Anderson

Have fun freezing your butt off


Darcia Anderson

Have fun freezing your butt off.



Happy to support one of my favorite Godsons 🥰🎄🎉


Dave & Sue Wolfe

Good Luck!


Billy Cate


Pat And Barbara Flood

Great Cause!


Ron Perry

Better you than me! Happy turtling 😂


Janet Grout


Loukas Pozios


Michael Tibbetts


Tim Merrill


Stefanie Leone

The water will be cold, but your heart will always be warm! Keep up the good work!


Kelly Pratico

Stay warm. 😂



Good luck & have fun!


Keith Judge



You’re so brave !


Jeff Legendre

Stay Warm! ❤️





Carole Jerome

Good luck!!


Carole Jerome


Doug Stead


Dan Feehily

You are a Great Ambassador! Good Luck!


Rebecca & Michael Mccarthy


Mom And Dad.

Go Stephanie! You are no stranger to cold water! We’ll be cheering you on 😘


Keith Marquis


Lisa Bisset


Clarissa Foote


Clarissa Foote


Christine Shedd

Gooooo Jeffrey!!


Justin Mckenney


Kendra Legendre




Cassandra Chase


Zach, Audrey, Tish, Dan

Good luck!


Sharon Marunicz

Good luck, Jeffrey!


Laura Foss


Scott Isaacson


Nancy And Pat

Have fun!


Nancy Loring

Good Luck


Momma C

So proud of you, my son in law! Wishing you warmth and safety. Tell my daughter to take good care of you. Love, Momma C


Steve Chakas

“Ed! It’s your brother in law!” You are very brave! Have a blast and get warm quickly!


Michelle And Paul Langley

Good luck from the Langley’s 💃🥶 🥰


Christine Lynch


Sarah O

Brrrrr! 🤩


Grammy Carter

Good luck Jeffrey! I’m very proud of you !


Nancy Allen


Shelly Roberts

Swim like the salm


Sheila Richard

You go girl🩷


Kathleen Mcdonough

Thanks for doing this!!


Laura Mckenna

Have fun!!


Foster Paul


Kathleen Mcdonough

Thanks for doing this!!


Kathleen Mcdonough

Thanks for doing this!!


Carol And Tom Marquis

You go girl! You are so brave, brrr💕


Zachary Dea

Go team Rochon!


Kelsey Mckenna


Kathleen Mcdonough

Thank you for doing this!!



You are either very gutsy or crazy but I wish you luck!!!


Heather Souza

Show That Cold Water/ Rabbit Hole Who The BOSS Is Jeffrey!!! You Got This!!! 💪🥶🏃‍♂️🩳🌊♥️🤍💙 🇺🇲 I Am So Proud Of You! I did a polar plunge once never again!!! You Are A Rockstar 😎🏊 🎸 "You're Entirely Bonkers ~ But I Will Tell You A Secret ~ All The Best People Are" 🩵☕🤍 You Are The Bees Knees 🐝



❄️🎁🎄🎅🏻☃️🦌 are you nuts?? lol..but seriously..the world could use more people like you! 🌟


Beth Blaise




Jason Firsch


Ryan Silver

Love ya mom!


Ann Marquis




Aunt Sharlene


Cathy Williams


Stephanie Wilkinson

That's quit nipply. Go you! 🧊


Debbie Demers


Justine Adams

Best of luck Jeffrey! Great job!


Lindal Miller

Good luck wishing you all the best




Round-up Campaign


Ryan Emmons

Hope your voice stays the same lol


Jennifer Lisee


Darius Tavallai


Kimberly Thornton