Bennie Packard

Dover Mighty Seals Swim Team Join Us

Dover Mighty Seals Swim Team

The Dover Mighty Seals are accepting donations for team supplies and the 2024 NH Summer Games in Durham, NH. We appreciate your support!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Papa Glenn

Love you


Ken Young

Wish you the best of luck, I’m sure you will do great!



Bennie, I am so proud of you!! Way to go 👊🏊‍♂️ Love you 💚


Meghan Meeker


Betty Rigney

Have fun Ben❤️


Linda Burgess

Good luck Ben! Hope you have an amazing experience!


Bonnie & Peter Bourgoine

Good luck 👍 Have a great time making memories



I’m so proud of you!!


Cook Family

Way to go Ben!!



Good luck kiddo, you’ll do great! Wish I could be there to cheer you on! Love ya!!


Kim Taylor


The Lavasseur Family

Wishing you the best of luck Ben!! Way to go!! Hoppy, Heather, Evan, & Sam LaVasseur


Susan Drinker

Go Benny!!!


Hendra Roberts

Good Luck Ben!


Nate Hadd

Let’s go Ben!!



Go get em, Benny!


Sandra And Kelly George

Good luck