The water will be cold… but the tea party will be HOT!
We are so excited to be making an icy splash into the Atlantic at the High School Plunge for Special Olympics New Hampshire! This year’s theme is “Alice in Wonderland” and it’s going to be a grand adventure down the rabbit hole with all the characters on our team!
Please donate to our Plunge. It will make a profound difference in the lives of people with intellectual disabilities across the Granite State. Special Olympics athletes participate in life-changing programs that promote physical fitness, self-confidence, and social inclusion.
Every dollar you give goes toward creating a more inclusive, accepting, and empowered New Hampshire. Whether you’re an Alice, a Queen of Hearts, or a White Rabbit type, together, we can create a world where everyone has the chance to shine.
We Tweedle-dee, Tweedle-dum, Tweedle-DO thank YOU for your support!
Thank you to our Sponsors

Ehs Faculty & Staff

Ehs Faculty & Staff
From the SUPER staff at EHS- wishing you a warm day for a cold plunge!

Mitch & Cathy Poitras
Good luck Jacob!! So proud of you!!

The Scoop Troop
Good luck MBD

Mom & Dad
We are so proud of you Emma!! Love you

Laura Hebert



Serena Buckley
Love Nani and Grampy, Great Aunt Pauline, Mom and Dad We are so proud of youXXXOOO

Ready to run in!!

Sherri Lavoie
So proud of you! Have a great plunge day! Love you ❤️

Jason Hebert

Margaret A Conover

Mom And Dad
Have fun Sweetie!! Love you too!!

Jeff Pilibosian


Sue :)

Justin O'leary
Bring some warm clothes for after!

Jaime Sawler

June & Glen
Proud of you!

Good luck

Shawn Patton
You are awesome 😎

Adam Magee
Thanks for being awesome, Frankie!

GO Miss Emma! We love you, Noni and Pa

Papa And Nonnie
Love you honey.

Mom & Dad

Wendy West-barnes

Gail Peacock
Go Frankie!

Diane Dipqlermo
So proud of you for all the hard work you do for this wonderful cause and organization!!

Jim Dinneen
Go Emma!

Tracee Murphy
Go Jacob!

Serena Buckley
Hey, we found some money in between the couch cushions! Actually, it might be yours, lol!! Have fun!! We are proud of you to brave that cold water!! Love The Buckleys

Nancy Trainer
This is awesome! So proud of you!

Dustin Ruoff
Go Frankie go!!

Randy And Mary Buckley
So Proud of our Granddaughter Amelia Grace ♥️

Heather Peacock
Can’t wait to see the video!

Gail Peacock
Don’t freeze Frankie!!

Aunt Joanna And Celso
Proud of you!

Auntie Stacy
Yay Amelia!!!! So proud of you!

Linda And Bob Ashton
Can’t wait to watch you take the plunge! Go Emma!

Mandy And Jim Baldridge
Go Franks!!

Linda Ruoff

Robyn Pappalardo
Woooooooooo 🐧🐧🐧

Mom ❤️
Can't wait to watch you freeze your tush off! ❤️ Proud of you!

Diana Adamian
Good for you Jacob so proud of you.

Uncle Scott And Aunt Jen
Love you Emma!

Desirae Palmer
Ben, Haddie and I are so proud of you!

Scott Baldridge
Proud of you Franks! Watch out for sharks. Love ya gurl!

Nancy Lang

Emily Rodenhuis
Good luck ya maniac! Love, Em

Audrey Pilibosian

Daniel Berube

Glen A Reardon
Go Emma!

Fontana Family

Jason Hebert


Chicken Nugget Man
Hello fellow lucas

Marion Claus
You’re brave and generous!

Josh Daley
Anything for my guy Lucas

Laurie Connolly

Diane & Jim
Hi Amelia Brrrr!

Tammy Gagnon
"Freezin’ For a Reason" you go girl!

Joanne And Alex Botko
Stay cool!!

Grammy Jo And Jim
Go Audrey!! We love ya💚

Jeff Beall

Lauri Dennis

U Go Girl👍

Pamela Storlazzi

Andy Herrick

Susan Sternberg

Rachel Lanseigne
Good luck to all the participants.

A And C
Continue to do great things! Love Amber and Charlotte

Olivia Hwang

Jennifer Johnson

Ted Sanborn

Power Family
Crush it Emma!

Jacob Ballentine


Edward Lettich

Kaitlyn Coulombe

Joan Saxe
Good luck, Jacob!

Lisha Rowe
Good Luck Em

Julie & Scott Ballentine

Cathy Smith
Hi Lucas. Just a little bit to help your goal. Love you

Gus Freitas

Lynn Beaver
Good luck, Audrey!

Sarah Medlock
I totally dare you to go jump in the ocean

The Brulet Family
Good luck Jacob!

Madison Jones
Good luck! 🥶

Walter Petig

Aunt Patti
Good luck!!

Neil Leavis

Trish Poole
Better you than Ma Poole! Keep a warm blanket nearby! ♥️🌊

Kristen And Dave Morissette
Great job Jacob!!

Diane, Jim & Otis
You go Amelia! Love from Diane, Jim and Otis


Erin Willett
This is amazing! 🥶


Kristin Wetmore

Aunt Jojo
So proud of you Audrey!! Aunt Jojo and stevie Love you.

Jon Blyth


Kathleen Northrop
Wishing you warm breezes and hot chocolate after the plunge!

Go Audrey!!!!

Cindy Wellington
You got this!

Lynn Beaver

Matt Harrington

A Friend
Think like a penguin! Cold water- warm heart! 😊🩵

David Mitchell

Susan Aznavorian

Hana Cass
I love even numbers ;)

Bob And Sue Hodsdon
You’re the best Jacob!!

John Valihura

Mr. Moses
"Just keep swimming" -Dory, Finding Nemo

Happy plunging

Jen Rowland

Jessica Croker
I hope you have a fun time!

Brrrrr! Good luck!

Gwen Citarella
Good luck!!

You’re welcome ;)

Alison Bernard
Well I couldn’t donate to Maddie and not you also 🙃

Robin Jones

Kerry Campbell
Love this - good luck and have fun

GO Jean Brrr....!

Ashley And Evan Lerch

Olivia & Harper Levitsky
Good luck Emma!

Richard Lang

Jeannette Regis
Way to go!

Sharon Gagnon

Kelly, John, Hanna And Henry Dalton
Go Emma!!

Lisa Woody
Good luck, Jacob!

Kelsey Lovejoy

The Quinnos
Ya'll cray cray 🤣

Scott Sahagian

Verbeck Boyz
Good job Jacob!

Go lucas

Yay, Frankie!

Cary Pahigian

Catherine Hammon
Our Team Members

Jean Gagnon

Amelia Buckley

Frankie Peacock

Emma Hamilton

audrey oleary

Jacob ballentine

Lucas Winchell

C L Leach

Govan Baird

Laura Hebert

Caroline Normand

Have a SUPER time!