Kerryann Morency

Torch Run

Help Support My Run

The Law Enforcement Torch Run® for Special Olympics is a grassroots fundraiser and public awareness campaign. Law enforcement officers, community partners and friends will carry the “Flame of Hope” through every corner of the granite state throughout the month of May.

Your donation helps LETR change the future for people with intellectual disabilities and light the way for acceptance and inclusion. 

Thank you for your support!

My Updates

Sonh athlete kerry

Wednesday 15th May
Please donate to the sonh torch run to support the runners who will be running from town to town until they reach unh June 1 foe the sonh state summer special olympics  nh games make a donation today 

Sonh athlete kerry

Friday 10th May
Please donate to my sonh 2024 torch run page and support sonh the torch run runs from may 18 runners run to every town until they reach unh June 1 for the sonh state summer games they run to support sonh and the sonh athletes from nh and iam a sonh athlete from team challenger please donate to my page today and support sonh today thank u

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jeremy Hawkes


David Berard

Good luck and enjoy!


Phil Lawson


Austin Garofalo

Good Luck Kerry!


Paul Malone

Good luck, Kerry


Damian Canuto


Rachel & Frank Antifonario


Victoria Marques

I love you girl!! Miss and love you from the Marques family!


Denise Berard

Good Luck, Kerry! You're a trooper! Have a blast! Love you so much!