NE Truck Center

Penguin Plunge

We are Freezin’ for a Reason!

We are so excited to be making an icy splash into the Atlantic at the Penguin Plunge for Special Olympics New Hampshire! 

Please donate to our Plunge.  It will make a profound difference in the lives of people with intellectual disabilities across the Granite State. Special Olympics athletes participate in life-changing programs that promote physical fitness, self-confidence, and social inclusion.

Every dollar you give goes toward creating a more inclusive, accepting, and empowered New Hampshire.  Together, we can create a world where everyone has the chance to shine.

Thank you!

P.S. Donate $150 or more and you qualify for two free tickets to the NH Fisher Cats 2024 Opening Game (based on availability)!

Thank you to our Sponsors


Wayne Bouchard


Nh Troopers Foundation


Above All Collision Center

Good luck!!!


Matt Boyer


Brandon Jusczak

Good luck!






Eric Grennell


Melissa Varone


Stasia Boduch

I’ll jump in with you if I’m home :)


Dj Lovett


Gregg Deluca


Kieran Fagan


Theresa Boucher


Bill Deluca


Meadow's Mirth Farm

Oh heck yes!


Sue And Sean Fagan


Alana Hedrick

Burrrrrr 🧊


Mike Briggs

I want Proof


Michael Lampert


Michael Lampert


Stefan Czyzowski


Stefan Czyzowski


Dj Lovett


Gregg Deluca


Calitri Family


Edeltraut De Luca

Please be careful! ❤️


Kieran Fagan


Cathie Lovett




Meg & Todd Seely


The Seacoast Upholstress


Sheryl Baker

Brrrrrrrr! Good for you!!


Irwin Malilay



Matt Larkin


Pia Bickford

Have fun, DJ!!



I'll warm you up after ;)


Offline Donations